Classic Artisan Craftsmanship

Steeped in tradition, each rug is meticulously hand-loomed with premium-grade wool, resulting in an outstanding piece of home décor. Witness the beauty, charm, and character shine in this octagonal green rug.

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Green Octagon Wool Hand Loomed Handmade Area Rug Photo 2

Luxurious Take on Simplicity

This hand-loomed rug embodies the essence of rustic elegance. With its green octagonal design, it is a luxurious touch to any home, effortlessly blending simplicity with sophistication.

Distinctive Décor Element

With its unique hand-looming technique and distinctive octagonal shape, this rug is designed to steal the spotlight in your space. Its elegant green hue further enhances its visual appeal, making it a standout décor item.

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Green Octagon Wool Hand Loomed Handmade Area Rug Photo 4

Superior Wool Quality

The use of high-quality wool in the construction of this rug not only ensures longevity but also a plush texture. Its intricate loomed design speaks volumes about its superior craftsmanship.

Hand-Crafted Perfection

Expertly hand-loomed, this green octagonal wool rug embodies a blend of traditional craftsmanship with modern aesthetics. Its nature-inspired hue coupled with hand-made perfection makes it an ideal addition to your home.

Green Octagon Wool Hand Loomed Handmade Area Rug Photo 5


Experience Luxury and Serenity with the Green Octagon Wool Hand-Loomed Handmade Area Rug

Indulge in the opulent charm of the Green Octagon Wool Hand-Loomed Handmade Area Rug. Crafted with meticulous care and attention, this exquisite rug is designed to elevate the aesthetics of any space while offering unparalleled comfort. Let's explore the reasons why this rug is a must-have addition to your home.

Create a Lush Environment with Luxurious Wool

Wrap your feet in pure luxury with our Green Octagon Wool Area Rug. Made from high-quality wool, this rug offers exceptional softness, warmth, and durability. The natural fibers of the wool provide a plush feel underfoot, inviting you to sink your toes into its cozy embrace every time you step onto it. Whether you place it in your living room, bedroom, or office, this rug effortlessly adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any environment.

But it's not just about comfort. Wool is a highly resilient material that can withstand heavy foot traffic without showing signs of wear and tear. This means you can enjoy the plush feel of this rug for years to come, making it a valuable investment for your home.

An Enchanting Green Octagon Design to Enliven Any Space

Featuring a mesmerizing green octagon design, this area rug effortlessly brings life and vibrancy to your space. The carefully hand-loomed and handmade construction ensures precise attention to detail, resulting in a rug that exudes elegance from every angle.

Whether you want to create a bold focal point in a neutral room or complement existing decor with a pop of color, the Green Octagon Wool Hand-Loomed Handmade Area Rug is the perfect choice. Its unique design adds depth and character to any setting, giving your space a sophisticated and polished look.

A Rug That Speaks Your Eco-Conscious Mind

At RayneCraft, we believe in creating products that are not only beautiful but also sustainable. The Green Octagon Wool Hand-Loomed Handmade Area Rug embodies our commitment to nature and eco-friendly practices. The wool used in its construction is sourced from ethically raised sheep, ensuring that no harm comes to the animals. By choosing this rug, you are not only investing in a timeless piece of decor but also supporting sustainable, responsible practices.

Furthermore, wool is a natural, biodegradable fiber that does not contribute to the ever-growing problem of plastic waste. Unlike synthetic materials, wool is free from harmful chemicals, making it an excellent choice for you and your loved ones.

Transform Your Space with the Green Octagon Wool Hand-Loomed Handmade Area Rug

Step into a world of luxury and tranquility with the Green Octagon Wool Hand-Loomed Handmade Area Rug. Its sumptuous feel, captivating design, and eco-conscious construction make it a truly exceptional addition to any home. Elevate your decor, create a cozy atmosphere, and indulge in the indulgence of owning a rug that blends comfort and style seamlessly.

Experience the magic of this rug for yourself. Order the Green Octagon Wool Hand-Loomed Handmade Area Rug and transform your living space into a haven of elegance and serenity.


Brand homeroots home decor
UPC 606114470793
SKU 493156
Item Number HO56614909695P56614
Size 8' Octagon
Color Green and Ivory
Weight 46.00 Pounds lbs.
Pkg Dimensions 0.4" (L) x 96" (W) x 96" (H)

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