
Transform Your Space with the Aqua Geometric Flatweave Area Rug

Add a touch of modern elegance to your home with the Aqua Geometric Flatweave Area Rug. Crafted with precision and style, this stunning rug is the perfect addition to transform any space into a visual masterpiece. Whether you're looking to enhance your living room, bedroom, or even the hallway, this rug is guaranteed to impress.

Create a Luxurious Ambience

Indulge in the luxury of this beautiful Aqua Geometric Flatweave Area Rug and instantly elevate the ambience of your living space. Its calming aqua color brings a sense of tranquility and serenity, while the intricate geometric pattern adds a touch of visual interest. Enjoy the perfect combination of functionality and style as you relax and unwind in the comfort of your home.

Uncompromising Durability and Quality

Designed to withstand the test of time, this flatweave rug is not only visually stunning but also built to last. Created with the highest quality materials and expert craftsmanship, it is exceptionally durable and resistant to everyday wear and tear. The flatweave construction ensures a low profile, making it perfect for high traffic areas like the living room or entryway.

Enhance Your Interior Décor

With its eye-catching geometric pattern and versatile aqua color, this rug effortlessly complements a wide range of interior design styles. Whether your space is modern, contemporary, or even bohemian, this rug will seamlessly integrate into your existing décor. Its clean lines and vibrant color add depth and character to any room, turning it into a true reflection of your personal style.

Comfort and Softness Underfoot

Indulge in the luxurious softness and comfort of the Aqua Geometric Flatweave Area Rug. Its carefully selected materials provide a plush and cozy feel underfoot, enhancing your overall comfort and making it perfect for barefoot walking or lounging on. Experience the pleasure of sinking your toes into its sumptuous texture and enjoy the ultimate relaxation that this rug offers.

Easy Maintenance and Cleaning

Say goodbye to the hassle of complicated cleaning routines. This flatweave rug is a breeze to maintain and keep clean. Its low profile makes vacuuming a breeze, while its stain-resistant properties ensure that spills and accidents are easily wiped away. Spend less time worrying about maintenance and more time enjoying the beauty and comfort that this rug brings to your home.

Bring a touch of elegance, durability, and comfort into your living space with the Aqua Geometric Flatweave Area Rug. Its stunning design, exceptional quality, and versatile style make it the perfect choice for those looking to elevate their interior décor. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your space into a true sanctuary. Order yours today and experience the difference that this exceptional rug can make.


Brand homeroots home decor
UPC 606114710790
SKU 522105
Item Number HO6447290995P64472
Size 7' x 10'
Color Aqua
Weight 16.49 Pounds lbs.
Pkg Dimensions 0.3" (L) x 120" (W) x 84" (H)

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