
Bring Nature Into Your Home with the Beautiful Green Round Floral Hand-Hooked Area Rug

Step into a world of natural beauty with our Green Round Floral Hand-Hooked Area Rug. This exquisite handmade rug brings the elegance of nature right into your home, transforming any space into a tranquil sanctuary. With its stunning green hue and intricate floral design, this rug is the perfect addition to any room, whether you're looking to create a cozy atmosphere in your living room or add a touch of serenity to your bedroom.

Add a Splash of Color and Style to Your Space

Are you tired of your plain and dull floors? Our Green Round Floral Hand-Hooked Area Rug is here to instantly uplift the look and feel of any room. Its vibrant green color adds a refreshing pop of nature-inspired beauty, while the luxurious floral design creates an eye-catching centerpiece. Whether your home decor is modern, traditional, or eclectic, this rug effortlessly blends in and enhances the overall aesthetic. You'll love how it adds a splash of color and style to your space, making it feel even more inviting and comfortable.

Experience the Unmatched Quality of Handmade Craftsmanship

When it comes to quality, our Green Round Floral Hand-Hooked Area Rug stands in a league of its own. Every rug is meticulously hand-hooked by skilled artisans, ensuring that each piece is a masterpiece in its own right. The intricate detailing and attention to every stitch result in a rug that not only looks stunning but is also durable and long-lasting. Made from high-quality materials, you can trust that this rug will withstand the test of time, providing you with beauty and comfort for years to come.

Elevate Your Everyday with Luxurious Comfort

Imagine the feeling of sinking your feet into the plush softness of our Green Round Floral Hand-Hooked Area Rug. Crafted with your comfort in mind, this rug offers a luxurious underfoot experience that you'll love coming home to. Whether you're walking barefoot across the rug or sitting on it while reading a book, its cushioned texture adds an extra layer of coziness to your daily routine. The hypoallergenic and non-toxic materials used ensure that you and your loved ones can enjoy this rug worry-free.

Create a Safe and Slip-Free Environment

Your safety is our priority, and that's why our Green Round Floral Hand-Hooked Area Rug is designed with a non-slip backing. This feature provides stability and ensures that the rug stays securely in place, even in high-traffic areas. Feel confident knowing that you can walk, run, and play on this rug without worrying about slips or falls. Whether you have children, pets, or active family members, this rug provides a safe environment for everyone.

Transform Your Space with the Green Round Floral Hand-Hooked Area Rug

Upgrade your home decor and transform any room into a haven of natural beauty with our Green Round Floral Hand-Hooked Area Rug. Its vibrant green color, intricate floral design, and handcrafted quality combine to create a rug that is truly exceptional. Experience the joy of walking on softness, the pride of owning a beautifully designed piece, and the peace of mind knowing that you've made a lasting investment. Embrace nature's elegance and make your space come alive with this stunning area rug.


Brand homeroots home decor
UPC 606114711681
SKU 522226
Item Number HO64561909150P64561
Size 6' Round
Color Green
Weight 15.00 Pounds lbs.
Pkg Dimensions 0.5" (L) x 66" (W) x 66" (H)

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