Classy Stain-Resistant Decor

Improve your room's ambiance with this 5 x 7 sized charcoal medallion area rug. Your cleaning chores are minimized as it resists stains well.

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5' X 7' Medallion Stain Resistant Area Rug Photo 2

Top-Grade Area Rug

This charcoal-hued rug features a beautiful medallion pattern for an elegant touch. Its stain-resistant quality assures durability and easier cleaning.

Elegant Home Improvement Asset

Bring a sense of sophistication and cleanliness to your space with this charcoal medallion piece. Being stain-resistant, it's aesthetically pleasing as well as practical.

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5' X 7' Medallion Stain Resistant Area Rug Photo 4

Stylish and Functional Decorative Rug

Enjoy the blend of elegance and functionality with this tastefully designed charcoal medallion rug. Save cleaning time due to its well-liked stain-resistant feature.

Timeless Charcoal Medallion Rug

This rug, with its charming and intricate medallion design, enhances any living sphere. Not to mention, its stain-resistant characteristic is a real time-saver.

5' X 7' Medallion Stain Resistant Area Rug Photo 5


Experience the Luxurious Comfort of our Charcoal Medallion Stain-Resistant Area Rug

Introducing our stunning 5' x 7' Charcoal Medallion Stain-Resistant Area Rug, designed to enhance the beauty and comfort of your living space. Expertly crafted and meticulously designed, this rug combines elegance and functionality to create a truly exceptional product.

Elevate Your Décor with Timeless Sophistication

Transform your home with the timeless sophistication of our Charcoal Medallion Stain-Resistant Area Rug. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this rug features an exquisite medallion pattern that adds a touch of elegance to any room. The contrasting shades of charcoal create a stunning visual impact, making it the perfect centerpiece for both contemporary and traditional settings.

Our artisans have carefully hand-woven this rug using premium quality materials to ensure its durability and longevity. The luxurious pile height provides a plush and soft texture underfoot, offering the ultimate comfort for you and your loved ones. Sink your toes into the silky smoothness of this rug and experience a whole new level of luxury.

Uncompromising Quality with Stain-Resistant Technology

At RayneCraft, we believe in offering products that not only enhance your home but also simplify your life. That's why our Charcoal Medallion Stain-Resistant Area Rug is crafted with advanced stain-resistant technology. Life's little spills and accidents are no match for this rug, as it effortlessly repels liquid and prevents stains from setting in.

From the accidental coffee spill during breakfast to the playful pet's muddy paw prints, our stain-resistant rug is designed to withstand the test of time and maintain its immaculate appearance. Cleaning becomes a breeze - simply blot the affected area with a clean cloth and watch the stain disappear like magic, leaving your rug looking as good as new.

Experience Unparalleled Versatility and Convenience

Featuring a generous size of 5' x 7', our Charcoal Medallion Stain-Resistant Area Rug is perfect for various room sizes and purposes. Place it in your living room to create a cozy and inviting space for relaxation and entertainment, or use it to define an elegant dining area. Its versatile design ensures it complements any furniture, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your space.

In addition, this rug is lightweight and easy to move, allowing you to effortlessly switch its location to match your evolving decor needs. Whether you want to revamp your bedroom, home office, or even outdoor patio, this rug seamlessly fits into any environment, making it a versatile investment that transcends trends and seasons.

Invest in Lasting Beauty

When you choose our Charcoal Medallion Stain-Resistant Area Rug, you're not just investing in a beautiful piece of decor - you're investing in lasting beauty and long-term satisfaction. Our commitment to quality means that you can enjoy the elegance and comfort of this rug for years to come, knowing that it will withstand the test of time and daily wear.

Enhance your living space with the luxurious comfort and enduring beauty of our Charcoal Medallion Stain-Resistant Area Rug. Order now and experience a touch of sophistication that transforms your home into a haven of style and comfort.


Brand homeroots home decor
UPC 606114029328
SKU 486883
Item Number HO5076690996P50766
Size 5' x 8'
Color Charcoal
Weight 8.42 Pounds lbs.
Pkg Dimensions 0.08" (L) x 91.2" (W) x 60" (H)

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