
Bring Beauty and Comfort Home with this Floral Power-Loom Area Rug

This 4' Pink Round Floral Power-Loom Area Rug is the epitome of beauty and comfort all rolled into one. A perfect addition to your home or office, its captivating floral design expertly anchors your space with style, while its lush texture softens hard floors for a touch of comfort. Handcrafted with care, its pink hue evokes a romantic feeling, filling your space with warmth and tenderness. For those who love flowers, the detailed elaborate floral pattern will leave you enchanted, enhancing how you feel and influencing your mood in a positive way.

Luxurious Durability Guaranteed with Our Power-Loom Rug

With this exquisite area rug, durability meets luxury. Power-loomed by expert craftsmen, it demonstrates an incredibly tight weave, guaranteeing a long lifespan even in high-traffic areas. The rug's longevity extends to its vivid colors which are dyed in a manner that ensures they don't fade over time. The high-quality synthetic fibers are resistant to stains, so no need to worry about accidental spills ruining its lovely aesthetics. No more fretting over kids or pets messing up your floor décor. Rest assured, this resilient and easy-to-care rug is designed to withstand the rigors of everyday life and still retain its allure.

Transform Your Space with a Touch of Chic Elegance

Imagine entering a room and the first thing that greets your eyes is this sprawling piece of floral elegance. This is more than just a rug – it's a transformative piece of art for your floor. Its chic appeal and the vibrant pink hue infuses a youthful, exuberant touch that instantly revives a dull room. Perfect for the living room, bedroom, or study, it effortlessly melds with a variety of home formats, from traditional to contemporary. So, whether you are aiming for a chic, Bohemian, or minimalist environment, this floral power-loom rug brings a touch of elegance and charm that's hard to resist.


Brand homeroots home decor
UPC 606114713173
SKU 522576
Item Number HO6470990930P64709
Size 4' Round
Color Pink
Weight 5.00 Pounds lbs.
Pkg Dimensions 0.5" (L) x 48" (W) x 48" (H)

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