Stain-Resistant Excellence

Indulge in the elegance of this cream-hued oriental-styled rug that effortlessly enhances any room. Enjoy longevity and easy maintenance thanks to its power-loomed construction and stain-resistant properties.

3' X 8' Oriental Power Loom Stain Resistant Area Rug Photo 1
3' X 8' Oriental Power Loom Stain Resistant Area Rug Photo 2

Oriental Decorative Rug

Experience the versatility and aesthetic appeal brought by this 3 x 8 area rug, a perfect complement to your decorated spaces. Its cream color can easily match any decor while adding a touch of oriental mystique to your living area.

Quality Craftsmanship

Uncover true beauty with this meticulously power-loomed, stain-resistant rug featuring a traditional oriental design. Woven with careful attention to detail, this rug promises durability, visual appeal and a luxurious feel underfoot.

3' X 8' Oriental Power Loom Stain Resistant Area Rug Photo 3


Elevate Your Home Décor with the 3' x 8' Cream Oriental Power Loom Area Rug

Are you tired of the same old dull flooring? It's time to give your home a stunning makeover with the exquisite 3' x 8' Cream Oriental Power Loom Area Rug. Crafted with precision, this rug effortlessly combines functionality, style, and elegance. Whether you want to revamp your living room, bedroom, or hallway, this rug is the perfect addition to elevate your home décor to the next level.

Our Cream Oriental Power Loom Area Rug features a timeless design that transcends trends, ensuring it will remain a beloved centerpiece in your home for years to come. The cream color palette adds a touch of sophistication, complementing any existing furniture or interior theme. Handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, this rug boasts an intricate oriental pattern that exudes luxury and speaks volumes about your refined taste.

But this rug isn't just about appearance. We understand the importance of durability, especially in high-traffic areas. That's why this rug is power-loomed using premium materials, ensuring it can withstand the test of time. The stain-resistant feature offers peace of mind, making it kid and pet-friendly. You can say goodbye to those pesky spills and stains – cleaning becomes a breeze.

Beyond Beauty – Unleash the Versatility of the Cream Oriental Power Loom Area Rug

A rug is more than just a decorative piece; it brings warmth and comfort to your home. The 3' x 8' Cream Oriental Power Loom Area Rug is designed to cocoon your feet in luxury. Imagine the sensation of sinking your toes into the plush pile after a long day. It's the ultimate self-care experience you deserve.

Furthermore, this rug is incredibly versatile. Place it in your living room and watch as it ties the entire space together, creating a welcoming and cozy atmosphere for you and your loved ones. The 3' x 8' dimensions ensure it fits seamlessly into any room, while the cream color maintains a sense of airiness and openness, making your space appear larger and more inviting.

Want a touch of elegance in your bedroom? This rug is perfect for you too. Picture it stretching out beside your bed, providing a soft landing for your feet each morning. It's the perfect balance between style and comfort, enhancing the overall ambiance, and making your bedroom a sanctuary of relaxation.

Don't overlook the hallway – transform it into a captivating gallery with this rug. The cream oriental pattern adds a touch of sophistication and creates a seamless transition between rooms. Your guests won't be able to resist complimenting your impeccable taste in home décor.

Experience Luxury and Convenience with the 3' x 8' Cream Oriental Power Loom Area Rug

We believe in providing a flawless customer experience, focusing on your satisfaction above all else. That's why our Cream Oriental Power Loom Area Rug is made to exceed your expectations, both in terms of quality and convenience.

Shopping for the perfect rug can be a daunting task, but we've simplified the process for you. With our detailed product images, you can examine every intricate detail of the rug before making a purchase. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service, always ready to answer any questions or provide assistance.

Ordering online shouldn't be stressful, so we offer free and fast shipping, ensuring your rug arrives at your doorstep in no time. Installing the rug is hassle-free – simply unroll it, and let it work its magic in your home. We guarantee your satisfaction, but in the rare case that you're not completely in love with your rug, we offer a hassle-free return policy.

Elevate your home with the timeless beauty of the 3' x 8' Cream Oriental Power Loom Area Rug. Embrace luxury, style, and comfort in your living spaces. Don't settle for anything less – order your rug today and experience the transformation firsthand!


Brand homeroots home decor
UPC 606114032991
SKU 487610
Item Number HO5092390991P50923
Size 8' Runner
Color Beige and Ivory
Weight 9.00 Pounds lbs.
Pkg Dimensions 0.6" (L) x 96" (W) x 32" (H)

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